Fantasy Grounds - Hell On Earth Reloaded Figure Flats - Starter (Token Pack) Pack >
About This Content Hell on Earth Reloaded Figure Flats - StarterAdd a new dimension to your Deadlands: Hell on Earth game! Inside this pack are over 200 wasters, brainers, and abominations awaiting your command! Use them with the Hell on Earth roleplaying game or with any ruleset in Fantasy Grounds.Conversion Notes: These images have been labeled, cropped, resized, scaled, optimized for play on Fantasy Grounds and placed on a transparent background. It includes all the images from the PDF and print product of the same name but without the hours of work to get it set up for Fantasy Grounds.This Token Pack includes:4 Anti-Templars2 Automations6 Bikers5 Black Hats2 Blast Shadow2 Blood Wolf4 Braves2 Chamber Initiates2 Companions4 Croakers2 Deserters6 Dogs of War2 Doom Bringers4 Doomsayers2 Evil Doomsayers4 Gunslingers4 Heavy Cyborgs4 Infiltrator Cyborgs2 Initiates4 Junkers2 Kids4 Law Dogs2 Lectors2 Librarians4 Cyborgs5 Mounted bikers2 Mounted Braves2 Mounted Doomsayers2 Mounted Gunslingers2 Mounted Junkers2 Mounted Law DogsMounted Old Soldier2 Mounted Ravenites2 Mounted Road Warriors2 Mounted Savages2 Mounted Sykers2 Mounted Tale Tellers2 Mounted Templars2 Night Terrors4 Old Soldiers2 Pit FightersPostmanPostwoman7 Rad Rats4 Ravenites2 Renegade Black Hats4 Road Warriors2 Robo Hunters4 Savages2 Saw Bones2 Scavengers2 Sharks2 Sky Pirates2 Squires4 Sykers4 Tale Tellers4 Templars6 Toxic Zombies3 Trogs2 Vengants12 Walking Dead2 Witch8 Wormlings2 LurkersFantasy Grounds Conversion: Doug DavisonReleased on September 03, 2013. Designed for Fantasy Grounds version 2.9.9 and higher.Requires: An active subscription or a one time purchase of a Fantasy Grounds Full or Ultimate license and any ruleset. 7aa9394dea Title: Fantasy Grounds - Hell on Earth Reloaded Figure Flats - Starter (Token Pack)Genre: Indie, RPG, StrategyDeveloper:SmiteWorks USA, LLCRelease Date: 1 Feb, 2017 Fantasy Grounds - Hell On Earth Reloaded Figure Flats - Starter (Token Pack) Pack