About This Game The second game about making games!Experience the life of a high school indie game developer. Care for and build relationships with your teammates!Yuta is following in the footsteps of Justin (from the first game) and wants to become an indie game developer. With his teammates, will he be able to fulfill his dream or will the drama overcome him?In-depth Indie Game Development SimulationManage funding, game ideas and your teamMore story (just like you asked for)Buff SystemMore charactersMultiple endingsEat snacks in-game (for better or worse) 1075eedd30 Title: Infinite Game Works Episode 1Genre: Indie, Simulation, Early AccessDeveloper:Sakura River InteractivePublisher:Sakura River InteractiveRelease Date: 26 Oct, 2015 Infinite Game Works Episode 1 Key Serial Number Really Good Game ... Ive Played Through It Twice... Although Theres One Bug That Annoys Me Alot Which Makes Me End Up Using Templates... If You Accidentally Leave The Screen For Devving (Like Through Right Click I think it was or whatever) It makes it as though there was never anything there... Theres a execute plan button although theres no save plan button... Executing makes it go into action.... But ive wanted to spend countless hours on one... So A save plan button throughout it so you can continue working without having a less day and having stuff saved... Also For Other Stuff About The Early Game... I didnt play the previous game although, I know people wanted a story for this, just your spending to much time on the story over other stuff... Personally I dont like having direct routes that need to be followed in games... Maybe early on its fine... but at least later on... It would be cool if you could use like a rng generator or whatever for recruiting or events... Like how alot of games with like for example fighting games... They make it so it refreshes after each battle and each race and price and stats are random... Though it is balanced at the same time... Another Thing That Came To Mind Is: Being Able To Customize Your Character... Choose Between Boy And Girl... Also Maybe Add Some Other In Depth Stuff Into The Game... It May Be A Game About Making Games... But A Game Like This Seems So Much Fun Id Love It If It Could Be Hard Af Instead Of So Easy (Maybe Have Like Easy Medium Hard) Like For Example Easy Could Be For Learning And Figuring Out How To Play The Game ( Like The Current of what we have ) Medium Could Add In Competition Between other devs etc... Could Add In Mood Swings... Relationship Drops And Changes Resulting In Loosing Crew etc... Different Types Of Styles Of Games... Gyms Or Buffers Or Whatever For Your Stats And Also lowering the boosts of alot of items... Also stuff such as if you dont do certain stuff or go to the buffer etc to practice the techniques they could get rusty and worse... also features such as twitter... events... popularity... Shops... Sponsers... And you have to tend and respond to them every now and again or you could have a massive downfall... also maybe theres times when adding in certain genres will actually make you make less money off a game... Like the entire game is worth 5000 and you add 1 character with for example dark and that 1 dark genre makes the entire game 4000 to make you pay careful attention to the genres you choose... Also you could add in negatives to becoming more famous (which becomming more famous would be something you cant avoid) Like for example hackers... and you have to spend money on programs for stopping hackers or else you would start losing money... I have alot more ideas on this just its to much to right down but you get the general idea...All In All... Its A Decent Early Release Game That Has Loads Of Potential... P.S. Sorry For Not Taking Time To Format It...P.S. If You Want To Hear Some More Of The Ideas Send Me A Message \/ Friend Request Me \/ Reply to this. This must be the most worthy Visual Novels i have ever played other than School Days. It is a simulator\/strategy game as much as it is a Visual Novel, preventing it from being too much of a reading pain like the other VNs in the world.Though i would have prefered the recruiting of team-members to be more open and selective.My "awards" for this game:- Best Visual Novel- Best Indie Game- Best Musical Score for a low-budget Project- Best Strategy Game (nomination). This must be the most worthy Visual Novels i have ever played other than School Days. It is a simulator\/strategy game as much as it is a Visual Novel, preventing it from being too much of a reading pain like the other VNs in the world.Though i would have prefered the recruiting of team-members to be more open and selective.My "awards" for this game:- Best Visual Novel- Best Indie Game- Best Musical Score for a low-budget Project- Best Strategy Game (nomination). UPDATE:Does not look like its being worked on at all anymore, so dont bother. When the Dev works on it more, then I'll update this. Not until then though.Early Access Review:Rough around the edges with work that needs to be done, but keep in mind this is early access, so that is to be expected. In general, YES, I would recommend this to others IF YOU ARE WILLING TO GIVE FEEDBACK. If you are looking for a fully created game, then come back in a few months. It does a lot of cool things and hints at even cooler stuff, so if you want to have a say in what you want this game to look like, then buy it now.Pros:-Involved Developer: This is a developer that genuinely wants to make a good game. They actively seek responses from their audience and are very engaging. Based on my interactiong with them, I have a great deal of hope they will make good on their promises.-Unique Management system: I have never seen something anything like the game building mechanics before and it is really exciting to figure out. You build each little element of the game you are developing: genre, music, subplots, character, monsters, and more. Being able to name each element also gets your imagination working. I got attatched to the itty bitty tiny platformer that was my first game. A little confusing at first, but I will give it a passing grade based on how unique it is. There is a tutorial in the works that will hopefully clear up some of the confusion. There is still a lot of work to be done, but the developer has stated that fact.-Cute Art: Maybe a little basic, but it's cute and the girls ARE NOT bad walking sterotypes.Cons:-Unfinished: What do you expect from an early access game?-Blandish story: So far it hints at a fascinating larger story arc and something I would love to explore, but as of right now its mostly a managment game with a few lines of dialogue here and there, which is fine, but in a VN like format, they need to give us a story to care about.-Character development: They are cute and hint at having really interesting personalities, but all seem a little bland because of how little you interact with them. Also... all of the team are girls and you are a guy. This is not a bad thing, but if they aren't careful then they could be dealing with a bad harem trope style game.-Lunch Time and Shopping: Unless you have played it at the state the game is in now, you wont really understand just how underwhelming this is. This is something that needs a lot of work, I want to be able to buy cool things and software and gifts and visit with my friends\/dev team, but I can't really. I WANT THIS SO BADLY!!!. Well, this \u201cearly access\u201d VN has been abandoned for sure (at least on the day I last played it, 11\/09\/2016). Missing sprites (right in the beginning of the game), uninteresting and barely developed characters, wasted concept. Like Infinite Game Works Ep 0, it had a certain potential, but the execution of this project failed. It\u2019s sad, the art style is lovely and the BGM is much better than the first game, and when things start to get somewhat interesting, it ends. Just like that. I don\u2019t know if the developers still read reviews (probably not), but I really hope that they can start working on this project again. At least add just a bit more of content and finish the story. Leaving it in EA for almost a year without any news is a really mean thing to do to the players.2\/10. Avoid these two games, even on sale.. Well, this \u201cearly access\u201d VN has been abandoned for sure (at least on the day I last played it, 11\/09\/2016). Missing sprites (right in the beginning of the game), uninteresting and barely developed characters, wasted concept. Like Infinite Game Works Ep 0, it had a certain potential, but the execution of this project failed. It\u2019s sad, the art style is lovely and the BGM is much better than the first game, and when things start to get somewhat interesting, it ends. Just like that. I don\u2019t know if the developers still read reviews (probably not), but I really hope that they can start working on this project again. At least add just a bit more of content and finish the story. Leaving it in EA for almost a year without any news is a really mean thing to do to the players.2\/10. Avoid these two games, even on sale.. UPDATE:Does not look like its being worked on at all anymore, so dont bother. When the Dev works on it more, then I'll update this. Not until then though.Early Access Review:Rough around the edges with work that needs to be done, but keep in mind this is early access, so that is to be expected. In general, YES, I would recommend this to others IF YOU ARE WILLING TO GIVE FEEDBACK. If you are looking for a fully created game, then come back in a few months. It does a lot of cool things and hints at even cooler stuff, so if you want to have a say in what you want this game to look like, then buy it now.Pros:-Involved Developer: This is a developer that genuinely wants to make a good game. They actively seek responses from their audience and are very engaging. Based on my interactiong with them, I have a great deal of hope they will make good on their promises.-Unique Management system: I have never seen something anything like the game building mechanics before and it is really exciting to figure out. You build each little element of the game you are developing: genre, music, subplots, character, monsters, and more. Being able to name each element also gets your imagination working. I got attatched to the itty bitty tiny platformer that was my first game. A little confusing at first, but I will give it a passing grade based on how unique it is. There is a tutorial in the works that will hopefully clear up some of the confusion. There is still a lot of work to be done, but the developer has stated that fact.-Cute Art: Maybe a little basic, but it's cute and the girls ARE NOT bad walking sterotypes.Cons:-Unfinished: What do you expect from an early access game?-Blandish story: So far it hints at a fascinating larger story arc and something I would love to explore, but as of right now its mostly a managment game with a few lines of dialogue here and there, which is fine, but in a VN like format, they need to give us a story to care about.-Character development: They are cute and hint at having really interesting personalities, but all seem a little bland because of how little you interact with them. Also... all of the team are girls and you are a guy. This is not a bad thing, but if they aren't careful then they could be dealing with a bad harem trope style game.-Lunch Time and Shopping: Unless you have played it at the state the game is in now, you wont really understand just how underwhelming this is. This is something that needs a lot of work, I want to be able to buy cool things and software and gifts and visit with my friends\/dev team, but I can't really. I WANT THIS SO BADLY!!!. I will admit I haven put much time into the game, and for visual novels this early reiew could be an even greater mistake.The game really doesn't give you goals. You've got this dev sim side of he game which is clunky and sometimes doesn't make senese. We aren't told how our decision with the modules and systems presented to us will affect the game in the future. The interface here is farely clunky and will require a lot of clicking. The reward for this work is the games currency, which as of now can't be channeled into things that make my characters or products "better". Maybe I'm an impatient reader, but the story as far as I made it was not really engaging. Neither are the characters either, not that you seem to get the chance to know them. You've got Alex, a redheaded tomboy, Elise the shy one, and Risa, the Shinji of the group. So far the only choices I've been given seem to have no immediate impact and feel devoid of meaning. Sure, I know visual and kinetic novels can go forever without choice, but at least ithey don't pretend to give me options.Arbitrary is how I would define the game. There is freedom with how you "build" games, but it feels meaningless. It's just guessing, and you can't even see the results until turns later. Results that have no meaning when you have nothing to compare them to.If you want a sim play GameDev Tycoon. If you want a visual novel; there are better visual novels, like Clannad or something.This is the waffle taco where it should have been Filipino food truck fusion.. Well, this \u201cearly access\u201d VN has been abandoned for sure (at least on the day I last played it, 11\/09\/2016). Missing sprites (right in the beginning of the game), uninteresting and barely developed characters, wasted concept. Like Infinite Game Works Ep 0, it had a certain potential, but the execution of this project failed. It\u2019s sad, the art style is lovely and the BGM is much better than the first game, and when things start to get somewhat interesting, it ends. Just like that. I don\u2019t know if the developers still read reviews (probably not), but I really hope that they can start working on this project again. At least add just a bit more of content and finish the story. Leaving it in EA for almost a year without any news is a really mean thing to do to the players.2\/10. Avoid these two games, even on sale.. This is a very promising game that is VERY unfinished as of now (2\/2\/16). I searched the dev's website for updates but didn't see any from the past couple of months, so I'm kind of thinking this game is abandoned. If they continue to update this game, it really could be great.
Infinite Game Works Episode 1 Key Serial Number